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Financial Educators 

Learn to paddle your own canoe


Mimi, Money and Me is different than most of the money management books you‟ve read. Written in plain English with an easy-to-follow format, its main purpose is to help you understand basic money matters which will equip you with the knowledge you need to make good financial decisions. In it, you will learn 101 secrets about money--the language of money, the rules of the money game and how to play it to win!


Patricia Davis, Executive Director, M.B.A., M.S.

Message from the Chair

At Money Matter$, Inc., our primary mission is to equip community members with the knowledge needed to make excellent financial choices and decisions for themselves and their families.  Today, the combined impact of the pandemic and limited financial education, has made it critical that all of us access and use tools and strategies to manage our money.  At Money Matter$,Inc., we pride ourselves on presenting essential financial lessons and classes and webinars in an interactive, fun-filled manner.  I can assure you that if you resolve to take control of your financial life and practice reality-based finances, you will indeed experience SUCCESS.  So, I invite you to begin your journey to financial freedom with the Money Matter$ team by learning how to develop and practice good money habits.  





Are you ready to eliminate impulse spending, learn to live within your means and stop stressing about money? If so, you need this book.  Going Broke is No Joke! gives you dozens of practical ideas that, if you apply them, will guide you smoothly along the road to financial freedom.



This comprehensive, compassionate book is written to help guide those simultaneously caring for aging parents/grandparents and adult/minor children. Many feel “squeezed in the financial middle” as the two sides tug at both their heart strings and their purse strings. It provides a wealth of financial care-giving information and lays out steps you can take to help ease any bewilderment, guilt and sense of helplessness you may have. 


The book defines the sandwich generation—who it is and provides perspective on how it came to be, along with an outlook for the future. It has in-depth chapters on taking care of yourself first, as well as how to care for the other two sides of the “sandwich.” Retirement secrets; hints on long-term care giving options; common money scams and how to avoid them; dealing with adult offspring living in your home; reverse mortgages; and ways to improve one’s finances all are covered in great detail along with pages of useful resources and references.



Patricia Davis is a regular speaker on the subject of the everyday money management. She brings unique, often-overlooked insights to this subject affecting most Americans. She is frequently sought out as a keynote speaker or media commentator to give her special perspective on budgeting, saving for college, caring for aging parents, love and money, new car buying, saving for retirement and more.




  • Money Matter$ Collaborates with The Greater Washington Urban League:

“2022: Brand New Year, Brand New You”--reflecting on your financial past, assessing where you are today, and reimagining your financial tomorrow.


  • Money Matter$ Conducts “Pandemic Proof Your Wealth” Webinars for the Washington School for Girls:

As we struggle to survive COVID, all of us are seeking ways to Pandemic Proof our wealth.  Together we explore creative ways to insure our wealth along with our wellbeing.


  • Essential Reading For Improved Money Management:

    • Mimi, Money and Me

    • Money Secrets for the Sandwich Generation

    • Going Broke is No Joke!

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